Terms of Use


These Terms of Service establish a legitimately official understanding made between you (“you”, “Client”) and Rivet Solutions FZE (“Company”, “we,” “us” or “our”), concerning your admittance to and utilization of the Site (https://rivet.solutions/) as well as any other media, media channel, mobile site or application related, connected, or in any case associated thereto (altogether, the “Products”).

You concur that by using the Products, you have read, comprehended, and consent to be limited by these Terms of Service. In the event that you disagree with these Terms and Conditions, you are explicitly restricted from utilizing the Products and you should cease use right away.

Supplemental terms of service that might be posted on the site every once in a while are thusly explicitly joined in this by reference. We hold the right, in our sole watchfulness, to make changes or alterations to these Terms of Service whenever and under any circumstance. We will caution you about any progressions by refreshing the “Last refreshed” date of these Terms and Conditions, and you forgo any option to get explicit notification of each such change.

It is your obligation to occasionally survey these Terms and Conditions to remain educated regarding refreshes. You will be dependent upon, and will be considered to have been made mindful of and to have acknowledged, the progressions in any overhauled Terms and Conditions by your proceeded with utilization of the Site after the date such changed Terms and Conditions are posted.

Responsibility for the Content of Your Communications

By presenting your Contributions on any piece of the site [or making Contributions open to the site by connecting your record from the site to any of your interpersonal interaction accounts], you naturally award, and you address and warrant that you reserve the privilege to allow, to us an unhindered, limitless, unalterable, interminable, adaptable, sovereignty free, completely paid, overall right, and permit to have, use, duplicate, imitate, reveal, sell, exchange, distribute, broadcast, retitle, chronicle, store, reserve, openly perform, openly show, reformat, interpret, send, selection (in entire or to some degree), and circulate such Contributions (counting, without constraint, your picture and voice) for any reason, business, promoting, or something else, and to plan subordinate works of, or join into different works, such Contributions, and give and approve sublicenses of the prior. The utilization and circulation may happen in any media designs and through any media channels.

This permit will apply to any frame, media, or innovation currently known or from now on created, and incorporates our utilization of your name, organization name, and establishment name, as material, and any of the brand names, administration marks, trademarks, logos, and individual and business pictures you give. You defer all ethical rights in your Contributions, and you warrant that ethical rights have not in any case been attested in your Contributions. You are exclusively answerable for your Contributions to the site and you explicitly consent to excuse us from all duty and to avoid any lawful activity against us in regards to your Contributions.

We have the right, in our sole and outright prudence, (1) to alter, redact, or in any case change any Contributions; (2) to re-classify any Contributions to put them in more suitable areas on the Site; and (3) to pre-screen or erase any Contributions whenever and under any circumstance, without notice. We have no commitment to screen your Contributions

Proprietary Rights

Except stated otherwise, Rivet Solutions FZE will hold all IP rights and all source code, data sets, media, software, web architectures, sound, video, text, photos, and illustrations of the Products (altogether, the “Intangible Assets”) and the brand names, trademarks, and logos contained in that (the “Marks”) are possessed by Rivet Solutions FZE or authorized to Rivet Solutions FZE, and are secured by copyright and brand name laws and different other licensed IP rights and unfair competition laws of the United Arab Emirates and international conventions. The Intangible Assets and the Marks are given on the Site “With no guarantees” for your individual utilization. Besides as explicitly given in these Terms of Use, no part of the Products and no Intangible Assets or Marks might be duplicated, copied, amassed, republished, transferred, posted, openly showed, encoded, interpreted, sent, disseminated, sold, authorized, or in any case misused for any business reason at all, without Rivet Solutions FZE’s express earlier written authorization. Given that you are qualified to utilize the Products, you are conceded a restricted permit to access and utilize the Products and to download or print a duplicate of any part of the Intangible Assets for which you have appropriately gotten approval exclusively for your own, non-business use. Rivet Solutions FZE reserves all rights not explicitly conceded to you to the Products, the Intangible Assets and the Marks.


We regard the protected IP of others. On the off chance that you accept that any material accessible on or through the Site encroaches upon any copyright you own or control, kindly quickly tell us utilizing the contact data gave underneath (a “Warning”). A duplicate of your Warning will be delivered to the individual or entity that posted the material tended to in the Warning.

Kindly be prompted that as per UAE law you might be expected to take responsibility for harm in the event that the materials you post is involved in a Warning. Accordingly, in the event that you don’t know that the materials situated on or connected to the Site encroaches your copyright, you ought to consider first reaching an attorney.


The Products are given “With no guarantees” on an AS-IS Basis. You concur that your utilization of the Products AND OUR Marks WILL BE AT YOUR SOLE DISCRETION. To the furthest reach Allowed BY LAW, WE Repudiate ALL Guarantees, EXPRESS OR Suggested, Regarding THE Products AND YOUR Utilization THEREOF, INCLUDING, WITHOUT Restriction, THE Inferred Guarantees OF MERCHANTABILITY, Qualification FOR A Specific Reason, AND NON-Encroachment. WE MAKE NO Guarantees OR Portrayals ABOUT THE Exactness OR Culmination OF THE Substance OR THE Substance OF ANY Sites Connected TO THE Site AND WE WILL Accept NO Risk OR Obligation Regarding ANY (1) Blunders, Slip-ups, OR Mistakes OF Substance AND MATERIALS, (2) Individual INJURY OR PROPERTY Harm, OF ANY NATURE At all, Subsequent FROM YOUR Admittance TO AND Utilization OF THE Site, (3) ANY Unapproved Admittance TO OR Utilization OF OUR Safe Servers Or potentially all Data and additionally Financial Data Put away In that, (4) ANY Interference OR Discontinuance OF TRANSMISSION TO OR FROM THE Products, (5) ANY BUGS, Infections, virus, OR THE LIKE WHICH MAY BE CONVEYED TO OR THROUGH THE Site BY ANY Third Party, As well as (6) ANY errors in the content that may result in any Misfortune OR Harm OF ANY Sort Caused Because OF THE Utilization OF ANY content posted, conveyed, or In any case made accessible by means through the Site. WE Don’t WARRANT, GUARANTEE, ASSURE, OR Accept Accountability FOR ANY Item OFFERED BY An third parties THROUGH THE Site, ANY HYPERLINKED Site, OR ANY Site OR mobile APPLICATION AND WE Won’t BE A Party TO OR In any capacity BE Answerable FOR OBSERVING ANY Exchange Among YOU AND ANY Third-Party Suppliers OF Content OR any other items.


Rivet Solutions FZE thinks often about information protection and security. Kindly survey Rivet Solutions FZE’s Privacy Policy posted on the Rivet Solutions FZE’s website. By utilizing the Products, you consent to be limited by Rivet Solutions FZE’s Privacy Policy, which is consolidated into these Terms of Use. If it’s not too much trouble, be prompted the Products are administered by UAE Law.

In the event that you access the Items from North America, European Association, Asia, or some other part of the world with laws or different prerequisites overseeing individual information assortment, use, or revelation that contrast from appropriate laws in the UAE, if you continue using the Products, you are moving your information to the UAE, and you explicitly agree to have your information moved to and stored in the UAE.

Further, we don’t purposely acknowledge, demand, or request data from youngsters or intentionally market to kids. Thusly, as per the Kids’ Online Security Act, in the event that we get real information that anybody younger than 13 has given individual data to us without the imperative and undeniable parental assent, we will erase that data from the Website promptly.


Except if in any case expressed, the administrations included on this Site are just accessible inside the UAE, or corresponding to postings from the UAE. All promoting is expected exclusively for the UAE market. Redistribution or republication of any piece of this site or its content is denied without the express written assent of the Company. The Company doesn’t warrant that the assistance from this site will be continuous, opportune or mistake free, despite the fact that it is given to the best capacity. By utilizing this help you along these lines reimburse this Company, its representatives, employees and owners against any misfortune or harm, in whatever way, howsoever caused.

Failure by one or the other party to practice any of its rights under, or to implement any clause of, this Agreement won’t be considered a waiver or relinquishment of such rights or capacity to uphold such clauses. In the event that any clause of this Agreement is held by a court of law to be unlawful, invalid or unenforceable, that clause will be changed to accomplish as close to as conceivable a similar impact as the original arrangement, and the rest of this Agreement will stay in full power and intact.

Entire Agreement

These Terms, including any lawful notification and disclaimers contained on this Site, comprise the whole arrangement among Rivet Solutions FZE and you according to your utilization of this Site, and supplant every single earlier arrangement and understandings regarding something similar.

The Company reserves the sole authority to change these conditions every once in a while as it sees fit and your proceeding with utilization of the site will imply your acknowledgment and agreement to these Terms. Your legal Purchaser Rights will remain unaffected.

Any communications regarding this Terms of Use should be made to: