In today’s world, where hacking attacks on online applications and the theft of sensitive information such as passwords and PINs are commonplace, 2FA provides another layer of security. The most common form of 2FA is SMS OTP verification. Two-factor authentication (2FA) is the simplest and most effective way to ensure that users are who they say they are.

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is not only for financial transactions, but for various verification/authorization requirements. For example, if you log in to your Gmail account from an unrecognised device, you may need to re-authenticate with verification SMS OTP. This also applies to social media accounts, electronic wallets, hosting platforms, etc.

What is OTP SMS?

The one- time password messaging service is the most convenient way to send the secure authentication code via SMS to a user’s registered mobile number. For example, when a user logs into an app or performs an online transaction, the system automatically generates and sends an OTP. Once the user enters the correct OTP received on their device, they can log in or perform a transaction. In this way, it largely prevented fraudulent transactions and unauthorized access before they occur.

Due to the increasing number of hackers and other fraudsters, almost all business applications and websites use OTP to authenticate transactions and various online activities. Using OTP minimizes the risk associated with the security of our online activities.

To increase the security of transactions, the services of OTP SMS are gaining popularity among the people. SMS for OTP reduces the fraudulent practices and thefts, thus providing more security for the transactions.

Companies can integrate Rivet Solutions SMS API for sending OTP messages. Enterprises can automate the SMS sending process with SMS API when an event occurs in the enterprise system. Example: OTP SMS for new user registration, forgot password, change password, reset password, etc. Once the user verifies the OTP sent to their phone, it autocompletes the transaction or they get access to the system. Organisations can set the time validity for OTP SMS to use once and within a limited period of time.

We can use OTP for banking transactions, online payments, e-commerce purchases, secure access to web applications, etc. OTP is the most secure platform for online transactions that provides two-factor authentication and makes our online tasks safe and fraud-free.

Rivet’s SMS services and APIs are designed to provide you with high throughput verification services. Our offering includes:

– Provision of dedicated SMS routes for uninterrupted delivery of OTP SMS at minimum time.
– Delivery also to DND numbers
– Real-time metrics such as sent, delivered and response rates.
– Dynamic scaling based on your business needs
– Complete transparency in pricing, pay-as-you-go.
– Multiple routers to handle delivery failures.
– Rivet offers a 95% delivery rate and high throughput.
– World-class high- end servers to ensure SMS is always delivered on time.
– End-to-end encryption of the message sent and the response received.
– Our API integrates easily with your back-end systems.
– We provide well-documented APIs for easy access and integration.

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