what is sms campaign

What is SMS Campaign?

An SMS campaign enables to communicate with large group of recipients with text messages. Messaging mainly concentrates on sending product offers, discounts and vouchers that enhances sales and marketing of the business.

Campaign messages are one-to-many bulk text messages. They are typically used to communicate about business promotions (coupons, offers, etc.), or general information (event updates, alerts, etc.).

The SMS open rate are very high compared to email or other communication channels because everybody has a mobile phone and it is checked regularly on an average of 4 to 5 times a day. Hence there is a vast chances that any business can find its audience via this marketing media. SMS campaigns marketing channel is faster and proven to be more effective.

Why are SMS Campaigns important?

SMS marketing is often used in various business scenarios due to their incredibly high open rate of around 90% and click-through rate up to 40%. SMS marketing is often used in application that provides promotional offers, for product marketing, to send important updates, scheduling, etc.

Open rates are relatively high

why sms campaign is important

SMS text messages have the highest open rates compared to emails or communication mediums. There is 90% chance that a message received on mobile phone are opened, making SMS marketing a huge asset to businesses success.

Drives customers to take action

With SMS messages sent and delivered instantly on recipients phone, business can send time critical information like limited time offers. In other words, recipient should hurry up and should take instant action to take advantage of the offer. No other marketing channel creates a feeling of urgency so strong. Through SMS campaigns people are informed about limited time to take action, thus many decide to act instantly.

Easy SMS compose and live

It does not require any format or styling to create a plain SMS for SMS campaign. Anyone can compose, so it takes only a few moments to create and send. Besides, the sent message results in significant results, because the delivered SMS are read within 3 minutes by the recipients. It means that you can carry out your tasks live and in no time.

Great for Emerging Markets

SMS channel is the best option if your business is trying to operate in countries where data rates are expensive.


SMS campaigns is desirable for any business and opens a wide opportunities for marketing for all sorts of companies. SMS Marketing inform about new products, services, exclusive sales deals and discount offers. It also can be used to deliver instant updates and notifications or reminders about the appointments.

Work well with other marketing channels

You can send SMS to those set of people who never opened your email or responded to it. So the strategic use of SMS campaign can result in large growth eventually supporting other marketing channels.

Improve your campaigns’ performance with accurate segmentation and scheduling

 To make SMS marketing campaigns success it has to be more targeted on the recipient group and thus save marketing costs. Send SMS campaign on accurately segmented customer group and scheduling the campaign at particular time of the day.

How to send SMS campaign?

how to send sms campaign

Import contacts

SMS campaign is a marketing strategy that enables business to send bulk messages or automated message to group of users. So you need to first segment the groups based on various aspects like city, geography, gender,etc. The segments can be then imported and uploaded to the application for sending campaigns.

Send SMS Campaign

Sending campaign is simply easy, you can import the contact list , store it in a group. Any number of groups can be created, based on the business requirements. Segmenting helps business to group the users and thus reduce the operation cost of sending messages.

Marketing SMS Campaign

Wrap up!

SMS has emerged as a successful marketing channel in recent years. Not only is it effective in its own right, but it also integrates perfectly with other existing communication medium campaigns.

If you want to get started with this exotic platform and want to start your business with SMS campaigns, join Us. Get started and explore your business market with more active customers.