what is sender id

Sender ID Definition

A Sender ID uniquely identifies that a particular business has sent an SMS text message. It should be identical and should consists of numeric or alphanumeric letters that appear at the top of text message conversations. Moreover the main purpose of Sender ID is to provide authenticity to the recipient that the authorized business has sent the message.

Types of Sender ID

The Sender is the entity body that writes the SMS messages and sends them to one or group of contacts. There are two types of Sender IDs, one for Transactional and the other for Promotional. Transactional SMS brand name, not only used for sending time-critical messages like OTP messages, alerts emergency messages but also to send order status updates, invitations, project plans, etc.

Additionally, the Promotional SMS brand name is basically used when you want to do some product or business marketing. Although there are rules on sending Promotional SMS, like the contents, and the time range when it can be sent.

Before sending Sender ID for registration, you have to look into the limitation on the number of characters. A transactional ID can contain a maximum of 11 characters whereas a promotional can have a maximum of 8 characters with the AD- prefix. Also, avoid the use of special characters like !,@,<,_,+,*,&,#,-,$, etc in it. Along with this, it should not contain names or abbreviations of government bodies, banks, big companies, etc.

Registration Process

Kindly download the below forms and fill the required details for Sender ID registration with the providers. After filling all details, print it on your company letterhead, scan and send it to Rivet support at info @rivet.solutions. For any queries please contact Rivet solutions support team.

sender id in UAE

Please ensure that you have below details ready with you before starting to filling the forms.

a) A Valid Trade license with 2 months validity (Trade License number and validity date).

b) Valid Establishment card (Establishment number and validity).

c) Company name.

d) Office address.

e) Nature of Business.

f) Authorized contact details (Full name, position held in company, mobile number, office telephone number, email id).

g) Technical contact details (Full name, position held in company, mobile number, office telephone number, email id). You will receive communication on this email id of CMS registration.

h) Lastly Sender id name matches and relates to the company or it requires relationship document .

Important!! While filling NOC Form 3

1. Kindly ensure and open form 3 PDF directly and filled in PDF only ( it should not be hand written).

2. Ensure you take color print of all forms, as operator rejects the Black/White printout .

3. Provided that the Form is completely filled and color print out, only authorized person should hand sign and stamp on each page of the form 3 or should be digitally signed via UAEPASS application , other digital signatures which are not verifiable are subject to rejection from DU. Operators won’t accept copy-pasted digital signatures and the sender application is subject to rejection.

4. Eventually, form should be hand signed and stamped on each page or digitally signed via UAE PASS, then scanned by the color scanner in PDF format. For instance, Operators rejects the application if the document scanned using mobile, pictures taken from mobile, Overall submit form scanned by proper scanner devices and saved in PDF format only to the operator. There should not be overwriting, unclear text in the form which leads to rejection from operator.

Approval and Usage

Once Rivet solution receives your application request for registration, it verifies and submits to the concerned provider. Document review and vendor approval usually takes 4 to 5 days, provided the information submitted is accurate.

You can test the Sender ID by sending message from Rivet Application dashboard or through an API request. Send one test message with your new ID to your phone number to confirm message delivery. If the registration process is incomplete, you will not receive the message. Register all SMS brand names to increase the probability of message delivery.

Important notice

The provider may block your sender ID if you send spam or fraudulent messages.

The content of the sent message violates the messaging standards.